Out of nowhere, the disciples put an important request to Jesus: «Increase our faith». On another occasion, they had asked him: «Teach us to pray». As Jesus uncovers God’s project for them and the task he wants to pass on to them, the disciples feel that it’s not enough to hold onto the faith that they have borne from childhood, if they want to respond to his call. They need a more robust and vigorous faith.
It’s now twenty centuries later. Throughout history, Jesus’ followers have maintained faithfulness to the Gospel over the years, as well as through dark hours of unfaithfulness. Times of strong faith and also of crisis and uncertainty. Don’t we need to once again ask the Lord to increase our faith?
Lord, increase our faith
Teach us that faith isn’t about believing something, but about believing in you, incarnate Son of God, in order to open us to your Spirit, to let us grasp your Word, to learn to live with your style of life and to follow closely your footsteps. You alone can «begin and fulfill our faith».
Increase our faith
Give us a faith that is centered on what’s essential, purified of false attachments and additions that lead us far from the nucleus of your Gospel. Teach us to live our faith in our times today, not based on external supports, but based on your living presence in our hearts and in our believing communities.
Increase our faith
Make us live a more vital relationship with you, knowing that you, our Teacher and Lord, are what’s first, what’s best, what’s the most valuable and attractive part of our Church. Give us a contagious faith that directs us toward a new phase of Christianity, one that is more faithful to your Spirit and to your path.
Increase our faith
Make us live identified with your project of God’s Reign, collaborating realistically and convincingly in making life more human, as the Father wants. Help us to live our faith humbly and with passion for God and compassion for human beings.
Increase our faith
Teach us to live converting ourselves to a more evangelical life, without resigning ourselves to a watered-down Christianity where the salt has gone insipid and where the Church is strangely losing her quality of leaven. Awaken among us the faith of witnesses and prophets.
Increase our faith
Don’t let us fall into a Christianity without the cross. Teach us to discover that faith doesn’t consist in believing in the God that we want, but in the One that strengthens our responsibility and develops our capacity to love. Teach us to follow you, taking up our cross each day.
Increase our faith
May we experience you arisen in our midst, renewing our lives and breathing life into our communities.
José Antonio Pagola
Translator: Fr. Jay VonHandorf