Whoever approaches Jesus’ Beatitudes once and again realizes that their content is inexhaustible. They always have new importance. We always encounter in them a different light for the moment we’re living. Here’s how these words of Jesus «resound» in me today.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, those who know how to live with little. They will have less problems, will be more attentive to those in need, and will live more freely. The day we understand this we will be more human.
Bless are the gentle, those who empty their heart of violence and aggressiveness. They are a gift for our violent world. When we all do this, we will be able to live together in true peace.
Blessed are those who mourn when they see other suffer. They are good people. With them you can build a world of more fraternity and solidarity.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice, those who haven’t lost the desire to be more just nor the willingness to make a more dignified society. In them the best of the human spirit breathes.
Blessed are the merciful, those who know how to forgive at the bottom of their heart. Only God knows their inner struggle and their greatness. They are the ones who best can bring us nearer to reconciliation.
Blessed are the pure of heart, clean of hate, deceit and ambiguous interests. You can trust in them to build the future.
Blessed are those who work for peace patiently and faithfully. Without giving up in the face of obstacles and difficulties, and always seeking the good of others. We need them to rebuild our living together.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for acting with justice and who respond humbly to injuries and offenses. They help us to conquer evil with good.
Blessed are those who are insulted, persecuted, and spoken against in calumny for faithfully following the trajectory of Jesus. Their suffering won’t be uselessly lost.
We distort, however, the meaning of the Beatitudes if we don’t add something that’s underlined in each one of them. With beautiful expressions Jesus puts before their eyes a God who is the ultimate guarantee of human happiness. Whoever lives inspired by this program of life, one day «will be consoled», «will have their fill of justice», «will receive mercy», «will see God» and will eternally have joy in God’s reign.
José Antonio Pagola
Translator: Fr. Jay VonHandorf