John shouts a lot. He does it because he sees the people sleeping and he wants to wake them up, he sees them burning out and he wants to light up in their hearts the faith in a Saving God. His cry is concentrated in a call: «Make ready the way of the Lord». How to open up paths to God? How to make more room in our lives for God?
Personal seeking. For many, God is covered over today by all kinds of prejudices, doubts, bad recollections from childhood or negative religious experiences. How to uncover it? What’s important isn’t to think about the Church, the clergy or the Mass. What’s first is to seek the living God, who reveals Self in Jesus Christ. God allows Self to be encountered by those who seek God.
Inner attention. To open a path to God it’s necessary to descend into the depth of our heart. Whoever doesn’t seek God in this inner life will with difficulty encounter God outside. Within ourselves we will encounter fears, questions, desires, emptiness… That’s not important. God’s there. God has created us with a heart that won’t rest except in God.
A sincere heart. What most draws us to the mystery of God is to live in truth, not to deceive ourselves, but to recognize our mistakes. The encounter with God happens when this prayer is born within someone: «Oh God! Have mercy on me a sinner». This is the best path to recover inner peace and joy.
In trusting attitude. Fear closes off the path to God for quite a few people. They’re afraid to encounter God: they only think about God’s judgement and their possible punishment. They don’t end up believing that God is only love and that, even when God judges a human being, God does it with infinite love. To awaken confidence in this love is to begin to live in a new and joyful way with God.
Different paths. Each one has to make our own journey. God accompanies all of us. God doesn’t abandon anyone, and all the less when someone is lost. What’s important is to not lose the humble desire for God. Whoever keeps trusting, whoever somehow wants to believe, is already a «believer» before that God who knows the depth of each person’s heart.
José Antonio Pagola
Translator: Fr. Jay VonHandorf