The story of the annunciation to Mary is an invitation to awaken in us some of the basic attitudes that we must care for in order to live our faith joyfully and trustingly. It’s enough for us to examine the message that is placed in the mouth of the angel.
«Rejoice». It’s the first thing Mary hears from God, and the first thing we need to hear ourselves too. «Rejoice»: that is God’s first word to every creature. In times like these that seem to us uncertain and obscure, full of problems and difficulties, the first thing that’s asked of us is to not lose joy. Without joy, life becomes more difficult and harsh.
«The Lord is with you». The joy to which we are invited isn’t a forced optimism or an easy self-deception. It is the inner joy that is born in whoever confronts life with the conviction that they aren’t alone. A joy that is born out of faith. God accompanies us, defends us and always seeks our good. We can complain about all kinds of things, but we will never be able to say that we are alone, since it’s not true. Inside of each one, in the depth of our being, there is God, our Savior.
«Don’t be afraid». There are many fears that can be awakened in us. Fear of the future, of sickness, of death. We’re afraid of suffering, of feeling alone, of not being loved. We can feel fear of our contradictions and incoherencies. Fear is bad, damages us. Fear suffocates life, paralyzes our energy, keeps us from walking forward. What we need is confidence, security, and light.
«You have found favor with God». Not only Mary, but also ourselves have to listen to these words, since we all live and die sustained by God’s grace and love. Life continues there, with its difficulties and concerns. Faith in God isn’t a recipe to resolve daily problems. But everything is different when we go about seeking in God the light and power to confront them.
In these times that aren’t always easy, don’t we need to awaken in ourselves the trust in God and the joy of knowing ourselves welcomed by God? Why don’t we free ourselves a little from the fears and anxieties by confronting life from faith in a God who is close?
José Antonio Pagola
Translator: Fr. Jay VonHandorf